Volume 07
200 pages
USD 100
Looking Back
That we can now understand the things that we didn’t when we were young is one of the gifts of time. With age, we accumulate experiences that shape our understanding of life and its events. We become the protagonists in the book of our own stories, and we find that as unique as the sequence and combination of our own life events are, there are common questions that we encounter as human beings, questions that man has faced since time immemorial. It is this shared fate that we recognize in the dramatic plots of a story well-told – the comedy and the tragedy of human condition. We recognize that it is at once our story, as well as the story of all those who have come before us.
An Older Brain May Be a Wiser Brain
The Last Moments of Life
The Temples of Wisdom
Without Regrets
The Road to Happiness
Advice on Love, Relationships, and Marriage
Unity of the Passion and the Person
Understanding True Happiness
Autumn Sky
Man's Search for Meaning
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy
The Deeper Purpose of Life
The Book of Job: In the Absence of Answers
Seeing Through Life
This Too Shall Pass
Louise Bourgeois: Healing Past Wounds
A Study of the Human Species