ARS VITAE is the Latin expression for the Art of Life.
ARS VITAE is a publication series that deals with the question of what it means to live a meaningful life.
ARS VITAE is a bilingual publication written
in Korean and English.
Our Philosophy
ARS VITAE explores the beauty of a thoughtful lifestyle - one that thinks about the intrinsic values that inspire us to live with a sense of connection, meaning and joy.
ARS VITAE is about wisdom, not information,
and the importance of the intangibles
that enrich our lives.
ARS VITAE aspires to bring together traditional wisdom of the East and West and what the latest discoveries in science and technology help us understand about human nature and
how the universe works.
ARS VITAE devotes each issue to a theme that makes us reflect on our perspectives on life
to create a more humane and
sustainable future.