Volume 03
200 pages
USD 100
A life of books and reading is a subject that my editors and I have always wanted to explore in ARS VITAE . Our work involves writing, and we all love immersing ourselves in a good story. But when we started
conceptualizing how to approach this subject, we found that it wasn’t just reading that we wanted to talk about, but reading slowly and deeply. So this is the theme of Volume 3. Unlike in the past, books are no longer the sole source of knowledgeand information. The Internet, often accessed from our smartphones, has become our go-to source of simple facts and information for sometime. Conversely, reading slowly and savoring the meaning of the textis becoming defined as belonging to the domain of books.
The Tripitaka Koreana
A Room of One’s Own
Zhu Xi’s Words on Reading
What He Read and How He Led
Eight-page Textimage Book
Reading, Writing and Searching
Immortal Words
The Last Foliage
Reading Slowly
Values Shaped by Books
Beyond Good and Evil in Literature
Kafka’s Metamorphosis , My Metamorphosis
Temple of Books
The Book in Contemporary Art
An Antidote to a Culture of Distraction
The Voice You Hear When You Read Silently
Slow Reading About The World in One Book
The Importance of Deep Reading